Remember and Awaken your Dormant Spiritual Gifts 

Rise up, Priestess. You are a sacred gift to the world.






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"Bethany is a master at holding space for women’s transformation. The meditation and spiritual tools that I have learned from her have been life changing.”

-Lyle Harvey

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"I  feel the call and want to dive in. Thanks for being the light you are in this world. For leading us and teaching us. I feel the sisterhood and I'm so appreciative of it."

-Mary Dutton


Ways I Can Help You

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 Create and Lead Retreats

  • 12 Modules on everything from how to structure and price your retreat to how to make money after your retreat. By the end of this course you will have a dream retreat 100% planned and ready to enroll participants.
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Priestess Codes to Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts

9 Week Initiation 

  • In this program, I will help you go from questioning yourself to awakening your gifts and abilities. You will move into living a deeply aligned life without sacrificing who you truly are.
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Venus Day Retreat

  • Embodying the Venus vibration is a loving rebellion vibrating a new pathway through the current energy of push, force, hustle, multi-task, overwork, overwhelm, busy-ness that is exalted in our society



Ready to change your life ?

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You are ready for this journey. 

Bethany Joy is the creator of the Priestesses of the New Earth Embodiment Temple, and a passionate teacher, spiritual mentor, and guide. For more than 14 years she has guided lightworkers, starseeds, empaths and healers to reclaim their innate power and gifts to live as their highest, embodied selves.  

Bethany has studied under yogis, shamans, and mystics around the world. Yet throughout it all, she was constantly guided back to her own Heart - her own fountain of Truth and Light – and the immense wisdom we all hold within. 

She is passionate about guiding women in their path to awakening their dormant gifts so they can become leaders of light, spirit, and love. Today, Bethany leads courses, retreats and programs for women who are seeking to live a more empowered, truth-filled, and joyful life. She is also the mama to three magical beings. Her life brings her great joy.  

Learn About Bethany


Choose your experience...

Venus Day Retreat

Ajna Wellness Retreat

  • Embodying the Venus vibration is a loving rebellion vibrating a new pathway through the current energy of push, force, hustle, multi-task, overwork, overwhelm, busy-ness that is exalted in our society

Priestess Codes To Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts

9 Week Initiation

  • In this program, I will help you go from questioning yourself to awakening your gifts and abilities. You will move into living a deeply aligned life without sacrificing who you truly are.


Create and Lead Retreats

Online Course

  • 12 Modules on everything from how to structure and price your retreat, how to make money after your retreat. By the end of this course you will have a ream retreat 100% planned and ready to enroll participants.


The results speak for themselves...

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"Bethany is the most elegant and powerful coach! Bethany coached me on ways to manage my energy around my children. I was overwhelmed with the energy of my son, and Bethany was able to show me how my energy was affecting him. She coached me on ways to manage my own self-care and helped strengthen my connection to Source."


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"During my session with Bethany, she helped me clear the negative emotions and beliefs. I left feeling so peaceful and ready to be proactive with my business! She not only showed me how powerful I actually am, but how the world needs me to step up now."


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❤︎ Click here for my FREE guided meditation to Remove Self Doubt ❤︎