JOIN ME during the sacred energy of the Equinox - one of the 4 most powerful times of the year - to activate & remember the ROSE LINEAGE within you.
Are you a Priestess of the Rose?
Why are the Rose mysteries pertinent now, and HOW can we apply them today?
"So glad I showed up today! I really needed this deep space for healing and connection back with the rose." - Alexi
"I've just had chance to watch the masterclass about the rose lineage, it was amazing. It was the first time when I saw energies (blue) with open eyes during the first activation. Thank you for this experience." -Andrea
“…It was so beautiful, and you lead with such grace. I’m so grateful for your guidance” -Molly
"I did the masterclass today and it was really beautiful and lovely. Thank you, it felt really good and the connection to all the guides was amazing." - Andrea R.
What is the Lineage of the Rose?
The Lineage of the Rose is a mystical root that weaves within the hearts of all who revere the Great Mother (called by any name).
The Lineage of the Rose was formed with Beauty, Love & Sacred Union at its core. This is a lineage that has been carried by priestesses and mystics through many different cultures and creeds.

We live in a time on Earth where hundreds of thousands of Priestesses of the Rose Lineage are incarnating, waking up, and remembering the essential role they signed up for.
The Priestesses of the Rose are souls who have traveled the height of transcendence, swam within the womb of the Creatrix, and danced in the crystalline light of the highest dimensions.
They have also faced their fears, gone to the Underworld, and licked up this forbidden nectar. They have been called The Hathors, the Magdalenes, the Oracles of Delphi, and more…
If your soul has lived and experienced the full spectrum of feminine archetypes – from Lilith to Venus – do you see the power you possess? Do you see how you cannot be controlled? Do you see how you cannot be manipulated? Do you see how your wisdom and heart-centered guidance are needed for others who are awakening?
Multitudes are just now going through the Dark Night of the Soul. They are now seeing the cracks in the Matrix. They are opening to a different reality. But you. You have traveled this path for millennia. You can help them. You are a wise, ancient one with a purified heart and soul.
Priestess, your striking authenticity, raw vulnerability, and deep wisdom are needed NOW.
Living in your FULLNESS is of utmost importance at this time.
You were born “for such a time as this”. Do you feel the call?

The Lineage of the Rose chooses to live the way of Love, Beauty & Harmony – to bring the world out of a state of disarray, disharmony, and chaos.
Priestesses of the Rose create and cultivate Beauty with every step, Love with all of our being, recognizing that Love is where we came from, and where we will all return to.

What does the Rose represent? Why has this specific flower enchanted humanity for millennia? Amidst an infinite variety of beautiful, fragrant, and magical flowers on our planet, why the Rose? What does the rose vibrate and represent?
The Rose lineage understands that the bloom's beauty, fragrance, and enchantment are made sweeter by the sharp thorns that support, sustain and protect it. The Rose lineage understands that these two go hand-in-hand and that the silent ferocity of the thorns of life - this earthly experience - are just as holy as the bloom.
This juxtaposition represents the human experience: the highs and lows, the extremes, and the seemingly opposing polarities.
When these supposed two polarities work as One they represent the Divine Human and create a third entity of Wholeness.
LEARN MORE in the masterclass...

Mary Magdalene is the ascended master who has carried and cultivated the Lineage of the Rose for the last 2000 years. It is she – along with Mother Mary and others – who protected this Lineage during the insanity of the Piscean age –during the Crusades, the Inquisition, women stripped of rites and treated as property, mystics and wise women burned at the stake, the Goddess defamed and removed from (almost any) place of public view or reverence, colonization, corporate greed, the raping and pillaging our Earth Mother, etc., etc., etc.
For thousands of years this sacred work had to be done in secrecy.
Now, moving into the Aquarian age it is WE - the Modern Day Priestesses of the Rose, the Magdalenes - who are to carry this lineage forward.
YOU are part of a family of returning initiates devoted to the Goddess and to creating Harmony once again on our planet. You are devoted to weaving the mystery, magic, and medicine of the Rose back into the tapestry of our Human family. You are devoted to birthing a new Golden Age upon the Earth.

JOIN ME during the sacred energy of the Equinox - one of the 4 most powerful times of the year - to activate & remember the ROSE LINEAGE within you.
Prepare yourself for (2) Rose ceremonies, and a remembrance of your role as a Priestess of the Rose Lineage...

For our Rose Lineage Masterclass & Equinox Ceremony* you will need:
6 OR MORE ROSES WITH THORNS – at least one RED, the rest any color you are drawn to
SEA SALT (or another type of salt)
*Further instructions will be sent to those who register


Bethany Joy
Bethany's insatiable quest for Truth led her study under yogis, shamans, and mystics around the world. Yet throughout it all, she was constantly guided back to her own Heart - her own fountain of Truth and Light - that we all have within.
Bethany connects deeply with the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt and has studied with adepts and masters of this lineage since 2005.
She is humbled to be a student-sister of Mary Magdalene, Isis and Mother Mary. Through their guidance, she has come to understand that the energies of the Venus Path, Rose Lineage and Beauty Way are crucial medicine for the times that we live in, and embodying this essence is a key factor in birthing our New Earth.
Are you a Priestess of the Rose?
Join the masterclass to learn WHY the Rose mysteries are pertinent now, and how YOU can apply them today.